Men of Purpose, Power, & Praise

Deacon: Nathan Longmire

The MP3 Men's Ministry - Men of Purpose, Power, & Praise seek to encourage and equip men to be godly men who are constantly being transformed by the word and power of the Holy Spirit. We seek to walk according to the word, lead our families, friends, and community by living a transformed life in every aspect. We support one another, encourage one another, and challenge one another with the love of God to have godly character, take care of our homes, responsibilities, and grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! 

MP3 Men are men of:

Purpose - God has ordained for us to lead, serve, and love as we live a life of worship to Him, surrendered to our Lord Jesus Christ

Power - God has ordained for us to walk in authority in this earth, empowered by the Holy Spirit

Praise - God has ordained for us to love Him openly without reservation before all, giving Him the glory for saving us, filling us, and transforming us day by day!